As the coronavirus pandemic continues into April, the economic effects are being felt throughout our South Jersey community. To respond to community members’ increasing need for food, JFCS will be holding its first-ever “drop & go” food drive on Friday, April 3 from 10am until 12 noon to help stock the shelves of our Betsy & Peter Fischer Food Pantries.
JFCS is seeking donations of the following non-perishable kosher food items and household products: hot and cold cereal; granola bars; canned fruits and vegetables; instant mashed potatoes; soups; canned tomato products; pasta; canned fish; gefilte fish; boxed milk and juice; coffee; tea; peanut butter; jelly; applesauce; snacks; boxed macaroni and cheese (Wacky Mac); toilet paper; paper towels; disinfectant wipes; hand soap; laundry detergent; and personal care items.
Donations can be dropped off at the JFCS Family Assistance Center, 1309 Route 70 in Cherry Hill. The Family Assistance Center is located across from Locustwood Cemetery, at the corner of Route 70 and Whitman Avenue. There will be collection containers placed outside the Family Assistance Center for safe drop-off of donated items. For the safety of JFCS staff and community members, please follow safe social distancing practices when dropping off food. For more information about the “drop & go” food drive, please text Donna Broecker at 856-261-6126 or email