As children age, they encounter new hurdles in school, in peer groups, and added stressors as their schedules change and they juggle additional responsibilities. JFCS helps young adults to navigate their expanding new world, by giving them the guidance that they can use now and as they become adults.
Our Faye Manger Counseling Department provides children, adolescents and teens with therapeutic support. Our therapists use cognitive behavioral interventions, family therapy, and coping skill development methods. For younger children, (below age 7), who often are unable to communicate verbally, we offer play therapy. This allows children to express their feelings through art, activities, and toys. Parent education sessions are also offered.
We counsel children with challenges such as depression, anxiety, attention disorders, learning differences, self-esteem, sexual / gender identification, and behavioral issues. Parents are incorporated into the treatment plan so that they can provide intervention and additional support at home.
In addition to one-on-one counseling, JFCS offers outreach programs such as One Step at a Time, which raises awareness and offers tools for prevention of opiate addiction, and Building Healthy Relationships, which helps teens see warning signs of potentially controlling or abusive relationships. Our expert counselors are also available to speak on a variety of topics, including coping and stress management, conflict resolution, bullying, at area schools and houses of worship