For many older adults, going to the doctor can be difficult and stressful, especially when trying to remember the information the doctor imparts and understand complex medical terms or instructions. Our Patient Partners program offers a remedy to this very dilemma by pairing trained volunteers who accompany clients to their doctor appointments. Volunteers are trained to record, relay, and share information about each visit with the patient and their family, if needed. Volunteer advocates also help decipher medical jargon and provide emotional support to the patient.

Patient Partners clients have reported better outcomes from their appointments, with an increased commitment to treatment plans and medication regimens and a better understanding of their health concerns. Patient Partners was initially conceived in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and JFCS is one of the first agencies to launch it in the Northeast. Patient Partners is now accepting and training new volunteer advocates. Training covers common health issues, medical terminology, honing listening and communication skills with medical personnel, confidentiality, and ethics.
Patient Partners is sponsored by the Raymond & Gertrude R. Saltzman Foundation
and Healthcare Quality Strategies Foundation.